Tuesday, July 3, 2012

33 weeks

This week has been difficult and it has just started, uggghhh!  I was in the ER on Saturday under the direction of my OB because one of the baby's is sitting on a vein which is causing some issues with the backside. Oh, it is extremely painful!!!  Unfortunately I saw two resident Dr.'s who looked all of about 25 and did not resolve the problem in the ER, so I saw a surgeon yesterday who provided some relief. Although I may be heading back to Good Sam on Thursday or Friday under mild sedation to completely take care of things; as he said there is only so much pain he can put me through without the sedation. My OB as well as the surgeon both have assured me that the babies will stay safe through this whole procedure and they will be completely monitored if we have to go this route. They said it is important for the babies and I to stay as pain free as possible, so I do not cause stress on the babies. Here I thought bed rest was difficult, but bed rest in pain is very trying!!

On a separate note the babies looked great on the ultrasound and their heartbeats looked great during the non stress test today.

Please keep me in your prayers this week that the babies are kept safe and sound and my situation is resolved.

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