Friday, July 6, 2012

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

The ending of this week is definitely better than the beginning! The surgeon did a great job on Monday and I have been able to manage the pain without going through another procedure.  Thank you for the prayers, they are continuing to work.  The  girls passed the non stress test today and the nurse said their heartbeats looked beautiful! I then met with a Dr. after the test.  She gave me some hope that as long as the next two growth scans go well on the girls, I can go off of bed rest at 36 weeks, YEAH!!!  My kids were so excited when I told them this, they just want their mommy back!!!  They started listing all kinds of things we can do.   Although, Lydia thinks 2 weeks is two days from now.  She could not wait to tell Marc that piece of news. It was really cute! I just hope these next two weeks go well, so I can do some fun things with them before the babies are born. My "cervix of steel" is now 1 cm. dilated and my stomach is measuring at 38 weeks.

My next appointment is on Monday, which will be a growth scan.  I hope you have a nice weekend and stay cool!!!!

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