Thursday, July 19, 2012

3 more days of bed rest, wooo hooo!!

The girls did great on the non stress test today.  I then saw the Dr. and I am now 2 cm. dilated. It is always nice to hear that things are progressing.  They tested my urine and found protein in it, which is a sign of preeclampsia. It is always something. The Dr. does not necessarily think that I have this because my blood pressure has always been low and I have no signs of swelling, but they are doing further testing to be sure.  I have to do a 24 hour urine collection and have blood drawn on Monday and the results should be in that afternoon.  If I do have preeclampsia, it means an earlier delivery.

My next appointment is Monday, which will be my final growth scan of the girls.  Monday is also a big day because I am finally off of bed rest.  I can hardly wait!!!!  The kids have a big day of swimming planned (the thought of getting into a bathing suit is a little scary :) and I have a big night of a manicure and pedicure planned.

I am feeling so blessed I have made it so far!  Have a great weekend!!

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