Thursday, August 2, 2012

Emma and Ava are a week old today!

Wow!  It is hard to believe the twins are already a week old.  I wish I would have been able to post more over the last week, but unfortunately when I was admitted in the hospital I did not have access to my computer.  However, I want to briefly recap what has happened since my last post as I would like to be able to look back on this blog someday with the twins to see their journey into the world.

As previously posted, last Monday they put me back on bed rest because they felt preeclampsia was brewing and I had a low platelet count.  The next morning I woke up with a nose bleed and a headache.  I headed to the Dr. for my scheduled appointment with these concerns.  When I got to the appointment on Tuesday the Dr. sent me up to triage to be checked out with the assumption that I had preeclampsia.  They drew more blood and my platelet levels had gone from 101,000 to 102,000, but they wanted to keep me overnight because because of my other symptoms.  On Wednesday, they drew blood again in the morning and my platelet levels dropped to 90, 000.  At this point I was becoming very scared about what was happening.  I was having a difficult time understanding why they would not deliver me with the platelet count falling.  I knew that at some level, when platelet levels drop that the only option for delivery was to be put under general anesthesia.  The Dr. explained to me that they did not want to deliver me without knowing the cause of the platelet issue, so they could be as prepared as possible in the delivery room.  This began to make more sense because I did not want to deliver in an unsafe sitaution.  So, they ran tests and ruled out ITP and preeeclampsia and determined it was pregnancy related.  They told me if it dropped again on Thursday they would deliver.   On Thursday, July 26th, the final blood draw indicated that the platelet levels dropped to 82, 000 at 7:00 am and 88, 000 at 11:00 am.  Dr. Brady made the call that I was going to a c-section at 1:00.  Oh, I was so emotional at that moment.  I was scared and nervous, yet so excited to finally meet these baby girls! 

We were in the room being prepared for the c-section and Marc was all dressed up in his "Dr. gear", when the anesthologist came in and said we need to run one more blood test on you to be sure your blood is clotting sufficciently.  They drew the blood and 45 minutes later he came back and said my blood was not at a safe level for an epidural/spinal.   I was going to have to be put under general anesthesia and Marc was not able to be in the room.  While we were both disappointed, our main concern was the safety of the delivery.  I was so terrified, but had full faith that God was keeping us all safe   They wheeled me back and at 2:25 two perfect, healthy, beautiful, identical, little girls were brought into this world!  Ava Marie weighed 4 lbs. 12 oz., 18 inches long and Emma weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz., 19 3/4 inches long (the ultrasound was off on their weights, but not on their size discrepency). Marc said it was the longest 20 minutes of his life as he waited to hear that we were all ok.  I came out of the operating pretty groggy and not remembering much at all and Marc said the first words out my mouth were "Is everybody ok?", it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it!  Unfortunately, the drama did not end there.  I was in recovery until 8:00 pm because they were having a difficult time managing my oxygen levels.

At about 8:15 pm, we were moved to the mother and baby unit.  I was on morphene for the pain, but finally out of the groggy anesthesia phase.  My parents brought Melis, Tyler and Lydia up to meet their new sisters. It was the perfect moment for all 7 of us to finally be there together. We are so blessed!  The kids were so excited and of course wanted to hold them right away, but the twins still needed baths and to be under the warmer. The snuggling would have to wait until the next day for them.

We stayed at the hospital from Thursday until Monday, when we were finally able to come home.  They were giving me steriods in the hospital to help boost my platelet levels and taking daily blood draws to be sure they were coming back..  Ava also had a temperature drop and she was not eating as well as necessary, so they wanted to monitor her an extra day too.  We came home to Melis, Tyler and Lydia standing in the driveway with welcome home signs and cheers you could hear coming down our private drive. It was the sweetest thing, my tears were flowing!

We have now been home a week and things are going well!  It is definitely crazy at times, but I would not trade it for anything in the world. We have already had so much help this week, which has been amazing! The twins had their check up yesterday and they are doing well. Melis, Tyler and Lydia of course cannot get enough of them, but I can't blame them, neither can I.  I had a blood draw today and my platelet count is up to 200, 000.  This was a huge relief!

As I reflect back on the last nine months I could not have gotten through any of this without the support of so many of you. I know I have said this so many times, but we are so blessed to have you all in our lives.  The support has been amazing.  We have had so many people make dinners, run errands, watch our kids, car pools, emails, texts, prayers, etc.  I often said to Marc that there are so many people who already love these little girls who have not even been born yet.  I thank God everyday for all of you! 

I wanted to share a few pictures of the girls from the last week.

 Ava and Emma a few minutes old.
 Ava and Emma a day old already snuggling together.
 My five beautiful kiddos.
 The twins are ready to go home!
The twins are a week old today.  I just love this picture of Ava spitting her tongue out for the camera!

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