Thursday, August 16, 2012

Twins are 3 weeks old today

Time sure does fly lately!  It is hard to believe the girls are already three weeks.  Our days here at the Johnson house are non stop during the day. The girls are doing great.  They are still doing a lot of sleeping and eating.  Although the last couple of days they seem to be more awake during the day.  We have started tummy time with them as they both have lost their umbilical cord.  However, they are not real big fans of this.  They are sleeping for about 3 hour stretches at night, which can be very exhausting.  Marc gets up at night and feeds with me, which is a blessing!  We laugh because the 2-3 am feeding is a good time for us to have an adult conversation and catch up with each other.  Each night I am hoping for a 4 hour stretch of sleep, hopefully that will come soon :). 

The girls had their first photo shoot this week. The photographer came to our house this week and spent about 2 hours with the girls and looked to get so many good pictures.  The girls slept through the first hour and were awake the second.  I can't wait to see those pictures.  I will be sure to post them when I get them back.

Melis, Tyler and Lydia are doing great with the twins. They love them so much! We have time set aside each day so they can hold them. They are all great helpers with getting diapers, wipes, popping pacifiers in their mouths, etc.

I have posted some pictures that I took of the girls today below.

                                    Emma has had enough of the headband
                                       Ava's headband takes up half her head.

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