Monday, July 9, 2012

34 weeks

I did not know what to expect going into today's appointment as far as the girl's growth is concerned.  Each time I go into these appointments I take a deep breath and pray that these girls are doing well.  Overall the ultrasound was good because the babies are continuing to grow. While Baby A is continuing to grow, her growth is definitely not near Baby B's growth.  Baby B is just big or as the ultrasound tech called her "a chunk", as a result of a bigger placental share than Baby A.  Baby A now weighs 4 lbs. 3 oz. (she is now down in the 18th percentile) and Baby B now weighs 5 lbs. 13 oz. (she is back up in the 61st percentile).  I definitely feel the pressure of all 10 pounds of baby in me.  I did not have a Dr. appt. today, but a Dr. did come in and talk to us about the size difference. She said at this point she is not concerned, because they want the babies to grow at least 200 grams and Baby A grew 300.  She indicated that I can continue to do bed rest at home because the blood flow measurements and non stress tests continue to be normal.  She wants me to continue with the non stress tests and blood flow measurements next week.  If in two weeks at the 36 week growth measurement ultrasound, Baby A has not had much progress in growth, they will most likely deliver me.  At that point they are definitely safe to deliver.  On a side note we also got to see the babies practicing their breathing on their own, which was pretty neat!

My next appointment is Thursday which will include a non stress test and a Dr.'s visit.  As always thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers!!

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