Monday, June 11, 2012

Fingers crossed I will be toasting my sister!

After an emotional and difficult weekend of bed rest (I think the 15 weeks of bed rest and the anxiety of today's appointment were getting the best of me), today's appointment made the bed rest all worth it!The appointment started off this morning with an ultrasound, followed by the the non stress test and then the actual Dr.'s appointment.  The ultrasound went well.  The blood flow and amniotic measurements all were in the normal range.  The baby measurements were good in that Baby A did grow!  Baby A now weighs 2 lbs. 14 oz. (she grew 300 grams in 12 days) and Baby B weighs 3 pounds 15 oz. (she grew 400 grams in 12 days).  However, the size difference is still 28% between the babies.  When the ultrasound tech gave us these measurements, I was scared with the size difference, but encouraged that Baby A grew.  We then went to the non stress test and passed that test, which was good.  We were then on to hear what the Dr. had in store for us after she read the results from the tests.

I saw a new Dr. today and absolutely loved her!  The first words out of her mouth were "it looks like you guys got good results today", I was so relieved to hear those words!! She said even though the size difference is there, each baby is continuing to grow on the curve.  She said every two weeks you want your baby to grow at least 200 grams and they both grew a little more than that.  So, with the growth, blood flow measuring normal, and closed cervix she is allowing me to continue with bed rest at home and attend the wedding (as long as I pass Thursday's non stress test)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I was so excited and thankful to hear that the girls are doing great!  In a nutshell, she is allowing me to attend the rehearsal dinner on Thursday for 2 hours, nails on Friday for an hour and the wedding on Saturday for 4 hours (my plan is to arrive at the church at 6:00 and leave the reception at 10:00, which will allow me to toast my sister). Melis, Tyler and Lydia pray each night for their sisters and said an extra prayer last night that I would be able to go to the wedding.  They were so excited when I told them I could go (it was adorable). As many of you know I am a worrier....I had her reassure me about 3 times that this will in no way harm the babies or the growth of the babies, because of course their health comes first.  She said we air on the side of caution and she would in no way let me go to any of this if she felt it would hurt anything.  She cautioned me that I will be very tired and need to use common sense and listen to my body since I have been on bed rest so long.

Last but not least, thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement through emails and text messages to get me to the appointment today!  As I stated before Marc and I are very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!!  Please continue to keep these girls in your prayers.  We are aiming for delivery to be between mid July and the first week of August.

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