Monday, June 18, 2012

31 weeks!

What a great day to follow a great weekend!  I had an ultrasound to look at blood flow and amniotic fluid as well as a non stress test today.  Everything was in the normal range, yeah!  I was having a few contractions while being monitored during the non stress test, but I was not feeling them and they were not concerned.  The nurse indicated they were probably Braxton Hicks.  They encouraged me to continue to drink lots of water.  My next appointment is Thursday when I see the Dr. and have another non stress test.

On a separate note, the wedding festivities were so much fun and everything turned out perfect!  I cannot express how happy I was to be able to be there for my sister. The Cook's threw a great rehearsal, it was nice to get a mani/pedi and treat Melis and Lydia to something fun (since I am the boring mom that just lays on the couch all day) and the wedding/reception were beautiful!! Leah looked absolutely stunning!!  Melis, Tyler, and Lydia did such a great job all weekend, especially walking down the aisle.   They danced their little hearts out until midnight at the reception. Marc and the kids got home at about 12:30 and they stayed up until about until 1:00 telling me all the details.

As I was driving the kids to my mom's house today, Lydia says, " I just can't believe all the wedding stuff is over".  I thought to myself, me too! I will download some photos soon, I want to be sure I have a few days of full bed rest, since I was out over the weekend.  Congratulations to Leah and Dave, we are so happy for you!!

Lastly, thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Jennifer......glad all went well this weekend. See you Thursday.
