Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back on the roller coaster ride..

Today's ultrasound did not go as well as I had hoped it to go.  I will start with the good news and that is the blood flow and amniotic fluid measurements were all in normal range.  The other good news is the girls passed their first non stress test.  The bad news is that the size difference took a spike; there is now a 28% size difference between the two girls.  Baby A is measuring 2 lbs. 3 oz. (she is in the 31st percentile) and Baby B is measuring 3 lbs. 1 oz. (she is in the 64th percentile).  The Dr. is concerned about this difference and has put me on full day and night bed rest with zero privileges.  The only thing that is keeping me out of the hospital right now is the normal blood flow measurements and the passing of the non stress test.  She feels the reason that Baby A is not keeping up with Baby B in size is because she has a smaller placental share than Baby B.  I finished work last Thursday, so she is hoping that the full day and night bed rest will help with these numbers.  I pray that she is right!

I have another non-stress test this Friday and my next ultrasound is scheduled for Monday with a non stress test.  However, Monday's ultrasound is only looking at blood flow and amniotic fluid.  If at any point these number become abnormal, I will be admitted into the hospital.  I have to wait until Monday, June 11 to get the next baby measurement and find out if I will be spending the rest of my pregnancy in the hospital and if I will be able to make Leah's wedding on the 16th.  Needless to say, I will be glued to the couch over the next two weeks to get Baby A growing.

Last, but not least, I want to thank all of my Moeller friends for the surprise shower they threw for me last week.  It was so very thoughtful and generous!  I work with some wonderful people!!

Please continue to keep these baby girls in your prayers, they need it now more than ever!!  As always, thank you all for your continued support for our family!!

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