Thursday, May 3, 2012

24 weeks and smiling!!

We had another fabulous appointment today!  We even got to see a 3D picture of Baby B (picture to follow).  Unfortunaltely, Baby A was in a position that you could not see her face. The blood flow, amniotic fluid, and cervix length measurements all measured normal (YEAH!!).  The next measurements were for the baby and of course I was a nervous wreck.  However, Baby A is pulling through.  The size discordance between Baby A and Baby B went from 23% two weeks ago to 20% this week (anything 20% and under is normal).  Baby A is now measuring in the 41% percentile (last week she was in the 31%) and weighs 1 lb. 7 oz. and Baby B is in the 62% (she was in the 57%) and she weighs 1 lb. 13 oz.  The Dr. was thrilled with all of these measurements!!  She said these postive measurements are a direct result of the amount of bed rest that I have been doing.  As I have previously mentioned, the baby's share one placenta which puts me at high risk. Baby A's placental share is so small, that lying on my side helps the blood flow go right to the placenta which in return helps her grow. 

She is allowing me to continue to work until my last day, which is May 24th.  Although after May 24th, she said I will be on full bed rest.  As many of you know, my sister Leah is getting married on June 16th.  She indicated that she sees no problem with me walking down the aisle as long as the numbers stay steady, this was awesome news!! 

Our next ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday, we pray these positive measurements continue!! We cannot thank our friends and family enough for the constant prayers, meals, car pools, and support that everyone has given us.  It means so much to Marc and I!

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