Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another good report

We had another great appointment today, which is such a great feeling!  I have included a profile picture of Baby A and Baby B. The purpose of today's ultrasound was to measure the blood flow of the babies, cervix length and levels of amniotic fluid.  I am happy to report that all of these measurements were in the normal range.  We were even allowed to leave without seeing the Dr. which is a good thing.  The Dr. told the ultrasound tech to tell us to continue with what we have been doing as far as the bed rest is concerned.  As I said early, while bed rest is hard, it is all worth it to get these awesome results at the ultrasound appointments.  I will be 24 weeks at next Thursday's appointment. This is an important appointment because they measure the babies again to see how they are growing.  We pray that Baby A (smaller baby) will continue to grow to normal size.   Please continue to keep us in your prayers, they are working!!

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