Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back on the roller coaster ride..

Today's ultrasound did not go as well as I had hoped it to go.  I will start with the good news and that is the blood flow and amniotic fluid measurements were all in normal range.  The other good news is the girls passed their first non stress test.  The bad news is that the size difference took a spike; there is now a 28% size difference between the two girls.  Baby A is measuring 2 lbs. 3 oz. (she is in the 31st percentile) and Baby B is measuring 3 lbs. 1 oz. (she is in the 64th percentile).  The Dr. is concerned about this difference and has put me on full day and night bed rest with zero privileges.  The only thing that is keeping me out of the hospital right now is the normal blood flow measurements and the passing of the non stress test.  She feels the reason that Baby A is not keeping up with Baby B in size is because she has a smaller placental share than Baby B.  I finished work last Thursday, so she is hoping that the full day and night bed rest will help with these numbers.  I pray that she is right!

I have another non-stress test this Friday and my next ultrasound is scheduled for Monday with a non stress test.  However, Monday's ultrasound is only looking at blood flow and amniotic fluid.  If at any point these number become abnormal, I will be admitted into the hospital.  I have to wait until Monday, June 11 to get the next baby measurement and find out if I will be spending the rest of my pregnancy in the hospital and if I will be able to make Leah's wedding on the 16th.  Needless to say, I will be glued to the couch over the next two weeks to get Baby A growing.

Last, but not least, I want to thank all of my Moeller friends for the surprise shower they threw for me last week.  It was so very thoughtful and generous!  I work with some wonderful people!!

Please continue to keep these baby girls in your prayers, they need it now more than ever!!  As always, thank you all for your continued support for our family!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Two peas in a pod...

Today was my 27 week ultrasound and we made it another week :).  The blood flow measurements and amniotic fluid levels were all in the normal range.  The ultrasound tech indicated that they no longer measure the cervix by the dopler, so the Dr. will check that at next week's appointment.  The girl's heads were together in the ultrasound today, it was very cute!  My next appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday.  This will be a week of baby measurements and the beginning of non stress tests twice a week.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers, they are working and as always thank you all for your support!

As I previously mentioned my sister and my mom had a wonderful shower for me last week and I thank them for that night!    I received a lot of nice gifts from my friends and family and I want to thank them all for coming!!  I wanted to post some pictures from the shower, which includes some adorable decorations my sister put together.  The theme of the shower was two peas in a pod...
                                                     This was the adorable cake!

                                  The diaper cake she made, notice the two peas on top.

                  I just love the onsies and matching headbands! Marc really got a kick out of them.

                Melis really wanted me to post this picture for the blog, she really wanted to be on it. She was so helpful with the games and opening presents.  She is excited for her baby sisters.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The girls are ready for another party this weekend!

We have another week behind us!  The Dr. appointment and 26 week ultrasound went very well today.  The size discrepency between the babies is now down to 17%, yeah!!!!  Baby A is now weighing 1 lb. 13 ozs. and Baby B is 2 lbs. 3 ozs.  All of the other measurements were in normal range, yeah again!  The Dr. did caution me to not get too excited, because things can change at anytime.  She also said that just because the numbers are better, it does not mean that I can do anymore activity than what I have been doing.  I need to continue with bed rest and still no shopping, cleaning, cooking, exercising, etc. My next test is on Friday, which is a three hour glucose test, to rule out gestational diabetes.  The next ultrasound will be a week from today.

My sister's wedding is one month from today and the bachelorette party went well this past weekend.  I pulled it off even from the couch as you can see above.  However, I could not have done it without the help of my good friends, Jill, Emily, and Jodie.  Thanks girls!!!!  The next party is this Friday.  My wonderful mom and wonderful sister are throwing a shower for me on Friday as I need double of everything.  I am so blessed to have such loving and supportive friends and family.   As always, Marc and I thank you for all of your continued prayers and support!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baby A and B are ready for the party from the couch :)

We had another good appointment today!  The blood flow, cervix, and amniotic fluid measurements were all in the normal range, yeah!!!!  My sister's bachelorette party is on Saturday at my house, so I will be able to be there on the couch for the beginning festivities until they leave on a bus.  I am just incredibly grateful for each week that I can spend on bed rest at home and keep the girls healthy and growing!!   Our next appointment will be Wednesday, which will be another baby measurement. As always, we thank you for your prayers and support!

I have included a 3D picture of Baby A this week.  I just love her little arm resting on her chin!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

3D Ultrasound of Baby B

We had an ultrasound tech that was kind enough to turn on the 3D portion of the ultrasound machine yesterday.  I only wish Baby A would have been in a position so we could have seen her too!  I just had to post these sweet little pictures of Baby B.  If you look closely on the top picture you can see a little smile on her face while her hand is covering one of her eyes.  I like the bottom picture as well where each of her hands are on her cheeks.  Technology is amazing!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

24 weeks and smiling!!

We had another fabulous appointment today!  We even got to see a 3D picture of Baby B (picture to follow).  Unfortunaltely, Baby A was in a position that you could not see her face. The blood flow, amniotic fluid, and cervix length measurements all measured normal (YEAH!!).  The next measurements were for the baby and of course I was a nervous wreck.  However, Baby A is pulling through.  The size discordance between Baby A and Baby B went from 23% two weeks ago to 20% this week (anything 20% and under is normal).  Baby A is now measuring in the 41% percentile (last week she was in the 31%) and weighs 1 lb. 7 oz. and Baby B is in the 62% (she was in the 57%) and she weighs 1 lb. 13 oz.  The Dr. was thrilled with all of these measurements!!  She said these postive measurements are a direct result of the amount of bed rest that I have been doing.  As I have previously mentioned, the baby's share one placenta which puts me at high risk. Baby A's placental share is so small, that lying on my side helps the blood flow go right to the placenta which in return helps her grow. 

She is allowing me to continue to work until my last day, which is May 24th.  Although after May 24th, she said I will be on full bed rest.  As many of you know, my sister Leah is getting married on June 16th.  She indicated that she sees no problem with me walking down the aisle as long as the numbers stay steady, this was awesome news!! 

Our next ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday, we pray these positive measurements continue!! We cannot thank our friends and family enough for the constant prayers, meals, car pools, and support that everyone has given us.  It means so much to Marc and I!