Monday, March 25, 2013

7 months

March is another month that is going so quickly!  We are all so ready for spring to get here, so we can get outside and play.  However, this means the twins will be attending a lot of spring soccer games and their big brother's baseball games.  We just got a new stroller for them, so they can see what is going on all around them.  I plan to take them on lots of walks as soon as the weather breaks. They are currently attending Melis' indoor games and basketball games and we are so thankful for all of our friends who help with the babies during the games!  There is someone who always wants to snug them :).  They are such good babies, but they do have some anxiety around strangers still.

The twins have done a few new things this month, which is exciting to watch.  Emma continues to do well with physical therapy.  She is making progress with each visit.  The degree that she can turn her neck is improving.  Although, she dislikes her exercises, they are definitely working.  Emma has also rolled over from her belly to her back this month.  We have been working on this in therapy too.  We are still working with Ava on rolling, but she is content lying on her stomach or on her back playing with her toes. She is just like her father and happy to relax.  They both started sitting up on their own.  This is my favorite age, when they just sit on the floor with toys all around them, smiling away. The girls will also wave, which is fun!

Emma and Ava are scheduled to get their pictures taken this weekend.  I am hoping the weather is nice, so we can get some shots taken outside.  I wanted to wait until they could sit up before I got some more professional pictures taken.  I will be sure to post the new pictures as soon as I get them

It is hard to believe that a year ago this month, we were given the news that I had to go on bed rest as well as all of the scary scenarios that went along with those first appointments in March. I often look at these two precious baby girls and remember how scared we were from March 6th until July 26th. Oh how blessed and thankful we are!!

          They look terrified here, but seem to enjoy their walk.  I love my new stroller!

           Melis made this adorable picture for St. Patrick's Day
           Ava looks ready for take off
           Ava snuggled up with her blanket
         Ava cracking up at her brother
         Tyler also had Emma laughing
      The girls are hard at play.  They love these cubes they are playing with.
Emma blowing rasberries as she plays with one of her favorite toys, a chicken leg
      Ava, looking like a baby doll
       Emma waving to the camera
    It is so hard to get twins to smile a the same time!!

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