Monday, February 25, 2013

Emma and Ava are half of a year old...times is just flying!  They had their 6 month check up this month and the Dr. said they are doing so well :).  A 2 lb. difference still remains between the girls, but they are both growing on their own curves. Emma is in the 75th percentile for height and weight and Ava is in the 25th, she is still a little peanut.  She did refer Emma to Children's Hospital for a referral because Emma does not turn her neck all the way on her left side.  We have since then taken her to the physical therapy department at Children's and they diagnosed her with Torticollis, which is a tightness in the neck muscles.  We were given exercises to do with her at home 10 times a day for 10 seconds each and we were supposed to get PT weekly.  However, I took her last week for the first time and the PT said we were doing so well with the exercises at home, that we could continue to do the exercises at home and then come back in three weeks.  This was great news, way to go Emma!!!

The girls are working on sitting up on their own and rolling over.  They are still sleeping very well with about 3 naps a day.  They have started to get up earlier and earlier, but hopefully that will just be a phase :). We are just enjoying every minute of these precious little girls!!

I have included some bath pictures below, which they both love.  I have also included some pictures that my cousin Stephanie took of the girls while we were in the Bahamas.  It was impromptu, thus the pajamas they are wearing :).






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