Thursday, April 25, 2013

8 months later, one says no and one says yes

Spring is finally here and we have been able to get out and get some fresh air.  Ava and Emma love to go on walks.  I am sure they are just happy to be out of the house.  They had their first Easter this month as well as coloring Easter eggs.  Of course, they want to eat anything they have in their hands. The Easter Bunny brought them a few toys, Puffs to eat, and a new outfit.  The only thing they both were interested in were their baskets, as you will see in the picture below.

They also had their picture taken this month.  We went to Fernbank park to have their pictures taken. As I have mentioned in a previous post, they take turns on when they are going to cry when a stranger (or really does not even have to be a stranger, as Ava cries whenever my dad looks at her) talks to them.  On this day Ava did not like the photographer, so anytime she got near her she would cry.  However, Emma was the smiley girl that day.  We just never know.  With Ava crying, we still got a few good shots.  I was thrilled given the circumstances.  Their beautiful blue eyes really come out in the pictures.

What new things are they doing this month??  They are both sitting up independently on their own now.  They will sit very contently and play toys. I just love it!!!! Although, you cannot sit them too close as Emma usually steals toys away from poor Ava.  At this point Ava does not mind, but I am sure down the road this will change.  They are both rolling over both ways now.  They can move around the room just by rolling. At this point we have to watch what is on the floor because they will grab anything in their sight and put it in their mouth. When we ask them a question, they each come up with different responses, which is pretty funny.  Emma shakes her head no and Ava shakes her head yes.  This seems to fit their little personalities. Emma has just started to say "dada", but much to Marc's dismay she is not associating this with daddy. 

Each time we go to physical therapy, the PT is amazed at how well she is doing.  We are now going every three weeks as opposed to every two.  She has given us exercises to help with crawling and standing while keeping her neck from tilting to the side where he neck is tight.

The are still taking 4 bottles a day and eating a fruit for lunch and veggie for dinner.  I did give them a jar of meat with sweet potatoes mixed. They did not like this at all.  We were getting some good laughs from the faces they were making.  I gave them a 1/2 of a Puff to try. They both did not like the texture, but Emma has come around to getting the hang of "chewing" them.  Ava gags when you put them in her mouth.

I think this sums up month 8 for the twins. We shall see what 9 months brings.......

 Emma looks like the risen one in this picture, which was not the intention.
 I love that they each have the same hand on the same arm out waving.



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