Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 months and so much to be thankful for this month!

With going back to work, my blogging time has been put off for the last couple of weeks. However, they are still 3 months old until the 26th, so all is good :). We are finally starting to settle into a schedule as much as we can with our crazy days and crazy weekends.  Now that I am back to work, our days and nights seem to go so fast.  There is always so much to do with so little time, but we are managing!  It is amazing how we can feed two babies, get homework complete for Melis and Tyler all at the same time, while keeping Lydia entertained.  We are becoming quite the multi-taskers.

So what is the new with the girls this month......

Emma and Ava are continuing to eat well.  We just bumped their feeding amount up to 5 ounces.  They are still eating every three to four hours.  Emma usually sucks her bottle down in about 20 minutes, whereas Ava usually takes about 45 minutes. Therefore, Marc always wants to feed Ava for the middle of the night feeding :).

They are still not sleeping through the night.  Each night is different, as far as who gets up. One night it could be Emma and the next night it is Ava.  We still wake them both up to feed them to keep them on the same schedule.  I think this is the hardest part of being back to work.  There are nights where they wake up around 4 am and this is when my work day begins. We typically feed them between 9-10 and they wake up anywhere from 3-6.  The good thing is that we typically are only getting up once to feed them.  We are just longing for full nights of sleep!

They are starting to stay up for longer periods of time during the day.  We put them on their stomach a couple of times today to help with their neck muscles.  Emma's neck muscles are a little bit stronger than Ava's.   However, Ava gets a little stronger with this everyday.  They like to play on their playmat next to each other.  They are also big fans of the swing and vibrating chair.  Baby Einstein is also a big favorite of the girls.  They will sit in their chairs or lay on the boppies and watch it.  This is so helpful while I am cooking dinner!!  The girls love to be talked to and I love to talk to them because they smile right back at you and coo back at you.  It is adorable! Emma is very nosey. While you are holding her she is constantly looking to see what is going on around her.  My mom has indicated I did the exact same thing as a baby :).

We have three "firsts" this month.  They both had their first cold, which resulted in a Dr. visit for both.  Ava had to be suctioned at the office and she also ended up with an ear infection. Her tear duct is still blocked.  I learned double the babies, double the Dr. visits.  Thank goodness it did not turn into anything more!  They also celebratd their first Halloween and dressed up as ladybugs.  They were not huge fans of their costumes, but I was able to get a few picture of them not screaming.  It was something getting all five kids dressed and fed before Halloween began.  They also celebrated their first Thanksgiving today.

As I mentioned in the title, we have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  We were blessed with these beautiful baby girls that melt our hearts!

Here are a few pictures from this month.  They had their 3 month professional pictures taken this month as well.




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