Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The twins are 2 months!

The girls are 11 weeks old ...time is flying.  Unfortunately, I have to go back to work in one week and two days (not looking forward to that). Although my mom is my life saver and she will be watching the twins and Lydia.  I am very blessed to have such a wonderful mother!!! She has been amazing and of course is always there for me!!  I think the hardest part of going back to work besides missing the babies and being home with the older kids is going to be the lack of sleep until the girls are sleeping better and getting homework, dinner,  babies fed and kids off to sports on those days.    However, it will get done one way or another, right?!

The twins had their Dr. appt. last week and they are growing!  Ava is now up to 8 lbs. 13 oz. and is  19 1/2 inches long.  She is still a little peanut and is in the 15th percentile in height and weight.  Emma is 10 lbs. 8 oz. and is 22 1/2 inches long.  She is in the 50th percentile.  So, they continue to have a difference in height and weight.  The Dr. said that is what is keeping them from looking identical to one another right now.  He indicated they will eventually catch up to each other in size.  The only other thing to report is Ava continues to have a blocked tear duct in one eye and it is infected, so she is on a second round of eye ointment.  I hope this clears soon! The poor thing either has green goop in her eye or the eye is red from the irritation of wiping it all day long.  The rest of the appointment went well and they will have their next check up at four months.

This month they are starting to be a lot more alert.  After switching them to the Soy formula, they became happier babies (thank goodness).  We decided to switch them to their room around 9 weeks and of course I was a nervous wreck about having them in their alone, but they did great.  The first night they were in there they slept 5 consecutive hours...it was glorious!!!  Since then we have been giving them a bottle around 11-12 and they will sleep until about 4-5.  I am hoping in another week they may add an hour or two, so I do not have to start my work days at 4 am with a feeding.

They have also started to smile and coo when you talk to them.  It just melts my heart!  They spend their days eating, sleeping, playing as well as going to soccer practice/games to football games....poor things :).  They will spend many years at their sibling games, so they are just getting a taste of it now.

Here are a few photos over the last couple of weeks.

                                     Ava being baptized
                             Emma being baptized
 All dressed for the baptism (their bonnets were a gift from Marc's sister Julie, they can be made into  handkerchiefs for their wedding..love it!)
                                        All 7 of us
                         You can see the size difference in the girls here
                  Oh how they have grown from wearing these onsies in the hospital

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