Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Ava and Emma!

It was a day to celebrate!  Not only were Ava and Emma turning one, but Marc and I survived our first year with twins :).  I will have to say this year went extremely fast.  The first couple of months were the hardest as we were so sleep deprived, but it definitely got easier!  Do not get me wrong we had/have our challenges, but we have found out what works for our family.  We do not sweat the small stuff, control the things we can and have come to the understanding that it is OK if our house is not clean 100% of the time (although this drives me nuts at times). Oh yeah, we laugh a lot! We are blessed with this crazy house full of kids and love!

The theme of the birthday party was CUPCAKES and lots of pink. Who does not love a cupcake?  Double the trouble, double the fun our little cupcakes have turned one.  The girls were dressed in a tutu and monogrammed onsies with a cupcake on them (adorable, right?).  Melis made some delicious and beautiful cupcakes for part of the decorations as well as the party favors for all of the kids.  The cake was beautifully done by Carrie Johnson (and so delicious), as well as the colossal cupcakes she made for Ava and Emma to dive into.  Their high chairs were decorated with balloons and a pink tutu.  It was a perfect day!  The girls started the party by being spoiled with lots of gifts.  It was pure (but good) chaos when they were opening presents, as they had lots of help from their siblings and cousins.  They are all set for the fall and winter with lots of great clothes!   After we had dinner, it was time for CAKE.  We sang Happy Birthday to the girls and they were a little unsure of 30 people gathering around and singing to them.  It was then time to dive in to the cupcakes.  Emma took the cupcake and tried to put the whole thing in her mouth and Ava picked at it.  They both got the hang of it eventually and enjoyed the icing for sure!  The girls definitely were ready for a bath when they had enough.

All in all it was a perfect day.  We cannot thank our family and friends enough for all of their support of this last year.  Melis just indicated that I end all my posts with this and I told her you cannot thank those who help you enough! 

Here are some pictures below from the party:

                        Melis made this picture on Instagram for me...What a year!



           Marc and I think the girls look a lot like in these two individual pictures!


     Here is where we were singing, they are wondering what is going on....

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