Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another good report

We had another great appointment today, which is such a great feeling!  I have included a profile picture of Baby A and Baby B. The purpose of today's ultrasound was to measure the blood flow of the babies, cervix length and levels of amniotic fluid.  I am happy to report that all of these measurements were in the normal range.  We were even allowed to leave without seeing the Dr. which is a good thing.  The Dr. told the ultrasound tech to tell us to continue with what we have been doing as far as the bed rest is concerned.  As I said early, while bed rest is hard, it is all worth it to get these awesome results at the ultrasound appointments.  I will be 24 weeks at next Thursday's appointment. This is an important appointment because they measure the babies again to see how they are growing.  We pray that Baby A (smaller baby) will continue to grow to normal size.   Please continue to keep us in your prayers, they are working!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Starting the blog

As many of you know I am not tech savvy, but my sister has encouraged me to start a blog instead of sending out my weekly emails.  I want to thank her for getting me started!  As I stated in my last email, I had a Dr.'s appt. on Friday and that was a pretty good appointment as well.  She was as pleased with the ultrasound as were we!  She is hoping these babies will continue with this growth trend, although she did caution me that anything can change from week to week.  At this point she said if the numbers continue with where they are she hopes for me to get to 35 weeks with these girls, again more hopeful news!  This sounds much better than 28-32 weeks that was originally predicted.  As I stated previously, Johnsons are fighters not quitters :). She believes that the bed rest is helping and wants me to continue with what I am doing.  Although she did say in the next couple of weeks I may need to shorten my work days to allow for longer bed rest. She also said she will do everything she can to keep me home on bed rest versus hospital bed rest. While this modified bed rest has been difficult since week 16, I will do anything I can to keep these baby girls healthy and stay out of the hospital!!!!

Marc and I want to thank our friends and family for all of the prayers, support, meals, car pools, etc.  We feel very blessed to have such a wonderful support system!