Monday, April 21, 2014

21 Months and Running Around Everywhere!

Many people say that the first year with twins is the hardest, but I think it is the second year for sure! Although, maybe I was so sleep deprived, it was all just a blur and I forgot :)  We can no longer set them down and expect that they are going to stay right there.  Of course this puts a whole new challenge of taking them anywhere or getting anything done around the house (especially keeping the house clean). Emma started walking right around 15 months.  I came home from work one day and she took a couple of steps and fell down.  However, being determined Emma, she kept getting up and trying again until she was walking.  Ava did not start walking until 18 months. We started to work with a physical therapist through the Help Me Grow program to get her walking.  At her evaluation it was determined that she would bow her legs when she would stand and try to take a couple of steps.  This would cause her base to be wide when she would stand up.  This then made it difficult for her to walk.  The PT also said she had flat feet which did not help either.  The solution was a pair of braces that she would wear inside of her shoes that went up to about her ankle.  My mom and I ended up taking her to Stride Rite to get a pair of gym shoes that were wide to fit the braces and the next thing you know she was literally walking all around the store.  I was so thankful for that moment because of course I was so worried about her (as many of you know, I am always worrying).  Now, do I think the braces are miracle workers-no, but I do believe she was so ready to walk after watching Emma walk all over the place.  I think the braces gave her some confidence and tremendously helped her stance.  The PT has continued to work with her and she is doing great.  She does wear the braces when she has her shoes on, but she can certainly walk without them.  She has never been bothered with wearing them.  It is so much fun to watch them walk around the house together.  They get into everything and play with everything except their toys.  Their favorite activity is to empty the pantry out and get into the cabinets.  The older kids have learned that they cannot leave anything out that the twins could get into or rip up. Now that the weather is getting warmer we have taken the girls outside to run around and they love it!  We cannot even use that word without them running to the door and waiting for us to take them outside. They try to keep up with the older kids; but they are also content just walking around the private drive and chasing their balls.  When it comes time to come in, the temper tantrums sure come out!

In addition to walking, their speech is continually improving. I have noticed that this is the first month that they have tried to imitate words. They both have about 15-20 words.  They love Mickey Mouse,which they call "ickey".  Some of the words they say include: balloon, ball, cheese, go, car, cookie, papa, mimi (Melis), tyty (Tyler), book, no, cow, dog, tank you, choo choo, cheese, up, outisde

We continue to see their different personalities.  Emma continues to be the wild one and Ava is more reserved.  Although, Ava does hold her own.  They are starting to play with one another and babble to each other as well.  They both love to turn the radio on and dance, it is adorable.  We often have dance parties in the playroom.  The girls also like to read books, especially when Melis sits with them in the "reading corner" and read to them.  The first thing they like to do in the morning is watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  As soon as you get them out of bed, they start asking for Mickey. Baby Einstein is a close second.

Last but not least they had their 18 month check up. Ava is 32 1/4 inches long and weighs 22 lbs. 6 oz. Emma is 33 1/4 inch long and weighs 24 lbs. 9 oz.  It is interesting how they continue to have that two pound weight difference.

Here are some pictures below from September until this past weekend on Easter.

      Emma's first pony tail
       Ava's first pony tail
      Daddy's favorite picture of Ava, perfect face as she holds a Mountain Dew
     Emma wearing daddy's hat
      One of the many games they are watching
      I found Ava in my purse waving $20 bills in the air

     Emma is ready to play soccer like her big sisters
      Love these headbands!
      2 little pumpkins, a vampire, scary guy and a princess
      Ava checking out her stocking
      Emma playing with a ball from her stocking
      Christmas Time
 This picture was priceless, check out Santa's middle finger
   They are busy girls
      I wonder where she has learned the art of multitasking
     Emma loves to put underwear on her head when I am folding the laundry
       The kids love to play games with them
      This melts my heart!!!!!

      One crazy bunch!