Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It continues to amaze me how much the girls change in just a month.  I was reading last month's post and reflecting on what they are doing this month versus last month.  The month started out with Emma finally getting her collar.  She is doing really well with it.  The PT has instructed her to wear it for at least four hours a day, but it does not have to be a consistent four hours.  The other rule with the collar is that she can only wear it when she is sitting up and not lying down or in her car seat.  The hardest part about it is getting it on her.  However, once she has it on, she does not mess with it. I have a picture of her in the collar below.  She is still as cute as a button! We continue to go to physical therapy two times a month.

Ava and Emma headed to the ocean for their very first time this month. We were not sure what to expect as we were packing up the minivan (which was impressive that we packed for all 7 of us for the week and we did not need additional luggage for the top of the van) and getting ready for a 12 hour car ride with 5 kids.  However, as I said to Marc, somebody must have been looking out for us and knew we all needed a nice vacation as a family.  Our vacation was perfect! We set out for Florida at 3 am, stopped twice and ended in Destin at 4:00.  Our condo was beautiful with an awesome view of the ocean.  We brought two pack-n-plays for the twins to sleep in and rented two exersaucers for them to play in.  It worked out really well.  Marc and I would take turns staying in with the twins for the morning and afternoon nap time. We would take Ava and Emma out in the afternoon for some fun. They would play on a sheet under a palm tree and splash around in the pool.  The weather was great all week and the older kids had a blast playing in the ocean/swimming pool. My parents and sister also joined us on this vacation  Marc and I cannot thank them enough for all of their help with the kids.  They helped to make this vacation so wonderful!! We were all sad to leave for the week.  The ride home was just as flawless.

We get home on Saturday, and Emma starts crawling.......this is a whole new ball game!!!!  She started off slow and mainly stayed in the living room area.  This did not last long.  She quickly showed me what needs to be baby proofed all around the first floor.  When she started crawling, Ava would just be sitting on the floor playing toys, and Emma would crawl right up to her and steal whatever she was playing with.  It was then about two weeks later and Ava started to crawl.  I now get nothing done because they both go in different directions ;).  I have to mention that Melis, Tyler and Lydia are all incredibly helpful with the twins, especially with them crawling!!!  It is funny to look back just last month and see that they were just rolling around and in just a month's time, they are now crawling.

I also have to mention that they are both now eating Stage 3 without gagging and Ava is taking her baths without screaming....yeahhhh!!!!  The girls are babbling a lot more.  Ava started with the consonant vowel of dada this month, which as an SLP, this is huge. I have been waiting/worrying for so long for her to say it, she finally did it. She would babble, but it was a sound she would make in the back of her throat (more like a grr sound). She is even saying uh oh, which is the cutest thing.   They both make the "Indian" sound with putting the back of their hand over their mouth and vocalize.  The kids taught them this. They seem to babble back and forth the most when we are in the car.  I just love it!!!

Here are some pictures from this month......

     Emma with her collar on

     Ava discovering sand for the first time.  She was not a fan of it!
Ava with her toes in the ocean...too cold for her.
Emma starting to learn to crawl
Twins in their suits
      Emma being a "ham"
 Ava and daddy (AKA her twin)
      Swimming as a family
      Beach is impossible to get all 7 smiling/looking at one time.
      Funny face pictures (kids favorite pose)
       Playing under a palm tree
One of my favorite pictures.  Daddy and all of the kids on father's day.