Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It was a Merry "Twinsmas"!

As for many, the month of December is crazy and is going so fast! The twins are officially 5 months old today, but this post is going to cover what they were up to in month 4.  They started out the month by going to the Dr.  The weight difference continues to be about two pounds between them.  Ava now weighs 11 pounds and 12 1/2 oz. and 23 3/4 inches long. She is in the 25th percentile. Emma weighs 14-0 pounds and 24 3/4 inches long and she is in the 75th percentile.  You can definitely tell the difference in weight when holding them.  Ava is still a peanut.  Unfortunately, they both had colds going into this appointment, so their shots had to be postponed.  They both had lots of wax in their ears and the Dr. found that Emma had her first ear infection.  The Dr. told us to go ahead and start cereal with the girls.

The girls are finally sleeping through the night and it has made all the difference!!! We have started to give the girls rice cereal in the morning and before they go to bed.  This has helped them to sleep through the nights.  Emma really likes her cereal, but Ava does not like it as much.  They finally started sleeping through the night around week 15.  They are in somewhat of a routine.  They will usually take their last bottle of the night with their cereal between 7:30-830 and then sleep until about 7-8.  They will then wake up have a bottle with cereal and play for about two hours and go down for a nap.  Their morning nap can be anywhere from 1-3 hours and they usually take a total of three naps a day. Both of the girls like to suck on their hands to soothe themselves to sleep.  I believe they will be thumb suckers once they find them. They are napping in their beds and when they are at my mom's, they sleep in their pack-n-plays.  A lot of people ask if they wake each other up and they really do not, which is nice.  One could be screaming and the other one is sound asleep.  We are going to add a fruit and a vegetable next month.

They are really starting to notice each other now.  One of the cutest things they do is hold hands when they are laying or sitting together.  The first time they did it, I thought it was probably fluky.  However, anytime they are laying on the floor together they will hold hands.  It is absolutely adorable.  I am posting a picture of it below.

 On Christmas Eve, I took Emma to the Dr. to get her ears checked. She started with a cold a couple of days before that and was crying when eating. However, she did not have an ear infection. The Dr. said her right ear was a little red, but not infected. She did mention that her head was a little flat on the right side and she was concerned that it is shifting her forehead and ear forward. Emma likes to sleep with her head turned to the right. She indicated that we need to self correct it now, so we do not have to get a helmet. We were instructed that any time she is awake, we need to keep her off the back of her head. Of course, I am totally worried now. We got the exersaucer out today and put her in that, the bumbo and tummy time. I pray that this will help. I do not want to get a helmet for her!! Ava's head is flat in the back, but the Dr. said that flat head in the back is fine. 

Last but not least, the girls celebrated their first Christmas together. It was wonderful sitting around on Christmas morning with all five kids watching them open presentes from Santa  I felt so blessed!!!  I thought getting three kids dressed and out the door was hard....add two more in there :).  I have to admit, it is a lot of fun (and expensive---poor Marc) to dress up four little girls. Marc and I find it funny that we pretty much take up an entire row at church and I am sure we are a comedy show for many.

I think is all for four months......
                              Daddy and the girls holding hands watching Sports Center

                                         Ava is not real happy about the big flower hat
                                         Emma did not seem to mind
    Ava and Emma getting ready to be fed on their boppies with their stocking from St. Nick