Saturday, September 22, 2012

The pictures are finally here!!

The twins are now 8 weeks and time is just flying!  Last week they begin crying on a daily and nightly basis, unless they were being held.  Of course with twins, this is a challenge when there is only one of us around to hold them.  It is also a challenge when there are three other kids to give attention to.  We just take it day by day.  I talked to the nurse at the Dr.'s office and she suggested switching their formula from Similac to Similac Sensitive.  However, I made the decision to switch to Soy formula.  Tyler and Lydia went through this and Soy formula really helped.  They have been on it for about 4 days and unfortunately, I have not seen a big change. They go to their Dr. on Friday for a check up, so I will be interested to get some input from the Dr. They are still only sleeping 3-4 hours at night...still waiting to get an extra hour or two.

Tomorrow is their big day, they will be baptized.  The girls will be wearing dresses from each side of the family.  They are dresses that have been in the families for a very long time. 

Last but not least, I have been waiting for their pictures to come in and they are finally here. The photographer was very slow in getting the CD mailed to me. However, the pictures were worth the wait! They were taken on August 8, the twins were almost 2 weeks. She came to our house and spent about two hours with the girls. Here are the pictures below.

                                  Love this one, Emma has her arm around Ava
                              You can really see the size difference in this picture
                                                   The princesses
Twin ballerinas (I wish Ava's umbilical cord was not visible)
                                  All five of my beautiful kids....we are so blessed!!!